Even by Hokkaido standards, Cape Chikyu is an amazingly beautiful place to visit!

It’s about a 15-minute drive from the station to the cape, with the road heading up into the mountains for the last five minutes. After parking in the lot, though, you’ve still got some uphill walking to do.

But when Seiji did get up to the top of the sloping pathway

his eyes were filled with the sight of the sparkling sea!

This isn’t even the best view that Cape Chikyu has to offer, though. If you can tear your eyes away from the scenery and look to your right, you’ll see the Cape Chikyu Observation Deck.

From here, you’ve got an even more expansive view than the people who used to man the cape’s lighthouse, which was built in 1920 and sits a little lower than the observation deck.

The fix is green.

I am new and cool

Flowers are everywhere!

Be the labled

Hello stakeholders

You have to pay the toll

Ride fast as the wind!

The flight will be hard!

The german naming is weird.

Give your best or go to the west

I liked the first reader better.

Your version of the story.

The final label test case

The old woman danced

Might have been sad for the children

I am undecided

We forge daggers sharper than a sword.

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